Clarifying lonley

Posted by Erin Wilson On Tuesday, February 24, 2009 0 comments
I feel like I need to clarify where I said in a post earlier that the greatest feeling I was having was loneliness. I don't for a second want anyone to think that we are lonely in regards to not having support. We have the greatest families in the world who love us, support us, and will be there for us through all of this. That goes for my family, Milo's family, and our "church" family ( I put that in quotes because I don't just mean our current church family). Our parents have been there for us from the beginning doing what they can to help relieve stress for us. My mom has cooked us meals, watched the girls so that I can work and has moped my floor every Tuesday since she found out the news. Milo's mom has been there to babysit for us when we've had doctors appointments. Our church families our amazing. I have gotten at least 2-3 cards a week from a former church with handwritten notes telling us that we have been prayed for. I am so grateful and feel so blessed by the people in our life. We could not and do not want to go though this with out them.

All that said, the loneliness I wrote about earlier is, I think, just an inevitable feeling at this point.

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