Josiah's Centrifuge Donate Now!

Posted by Erin Wilson On Wednesday, September 16, 2009 0 comments
So we've got things put together for the centrifuge! There is this ministry here in Charleston, called CrossBridge Family Ministries, that has been helping us since we got here. They have been absolutely wonderful. They've helped us finically, with housing, with food. They help lots of families in our similar situation. Melissa, the woman who has been helping us, has a medical supplier that is going to give us the centrifuge at a discounted rate. So it costs $1170. You can make tax deductible donations through their ministry by going to this link.

We tried Josiah back on regular breast milk yesterday, but this morning he started draining again. So we are back to the skim breast milk for at least another 6 weeks. I am just so very grateful that we have come up with an alternative way to use my breast milk and get Josiah the important antibodies he needs to fight off infections and hopefully keep him gaining weight during this time.

Thanks in advance for your support! If more funds then are necessary for Josiah's centrifuge are raised, we will give them to CrossBridge to help other families in need like ours.


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