Josiah's had a really good day for his 21st birthday. His nurse claims that "she fixed him." He really has been a lot more comfortable today. He actually had a bowel movement without having a major meltdown (by major I mean, holding breath and turning purple) and I was able to change him with no fussing! That's a huge thing we needed to accomplish before we try to extubate. The doctors are actually leaving it up to us when we wan to attempt extubation. I guess we've been here to long. Right now we are waiting on the surgeon to come in and check his wound vac. If he takes it off I think we'll be ready to extubate tomorrow. If it doesn't come off today then my feeling is, let's wait. So we'll see.
The girls are going to come visit in a little while so we can sing happy birthday and have root beer floats. Daylia is very excited that Josiah's 1st birthday party is his, "21 birthday!"
mom2lo This has to be the sweetest thing ever! Happy 21st Birthday, Josiah! I'm sure the nurses are loving the root beer floats! And wow, I'm thinking you guys have been there too long if the docs are letting you guys decide when to extubate him! But I'm of the mind that mommy knows best, so I'm sure you'll know when he's most ready to handle it.