In Honor of Josiah

Posted by Erin Wilson On Tuesday, January 26, 2010 0 comments
We are so grateful for the outpouring of love we have been experiencing these past few days. We have has so many generous offers and we are so overwhelmed. To honor our precious son we would ask that you make any contributions to one of the following organizations that are close to our heart.

This is the organization that has selflessly served us and many other families in similar situations as us. They have provided us housing, food, counseling, childcare and a world of support. This is a local organization in Charleston, SC.

Please make sure to designate on this page that you would like your donation to go to Pediatric Cardiology. You can also send the donation in honor of Josiah Wilson.

Our hearts have broken over the devastation of Haiti. We believe that Josiah would be greatly honored to know that people gave to this cause in support of a nation of children that are hurting.

Please consider supporting one of these causes in honor of Josiah. It warms our hearts to know so many people care for us and are looking for a way to honor the life of our son.

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